Syringothyris Limestone Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type location is in Dahwot-Naigpur section Liddar Valley. [Original Publication: Middlemiss, C.S. 1910. A revision of Silurian-Trias sequence in Kashmir. Record Geological Survey of India, 40(3): 206-260.] Syringothyris is a brachiopod.
Synonyms: Aishmuqam Fm (Srikantia and Bhargava, 1983)
Lithology and Thickness
Limestone and Shale. 600 m thick comprises of shale, siltstone, sandstone and grey limestone. Singh et al., 1982 divided it into Member C (Limestone, shale, siltstone and sandstone intercalations), Member-B (Grey limestone), Member A (limestone + sandstone).
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Upper contact
With increase in the arenaceous contents towards top, the Aishmuqam Formation passes in to the Ganeshpur Fm (Fenestella Shale Fm).
Regional extent
Kashmir Basin
Conodonts: Clydagnathus gilwernensis, Polygnathus comunis, Bispathodus stabilis, B. aculeatus, Neoprioniodus confluens, Ozarkodina macer, O. sp, Hindeodella subtilis, H. corpulenta, H. sp, Hibbardella cf. milleri, H. ortha, Prioniodina cf. latericrescens, Angulodus sp, Lonchodina sp, and Lingonodina sp (Savage, 1977).
Brachiopod: Syringothyris cuspidate. Bivalves: Modiola liderensis. Algae: ?Eolithoporella sp, Crinoid: Agassizocrinus sp. Coral: Caninophyllum archaiaci, Nemistium edmonsi, Palaeosmilia regia, Lopophyllum interuptum, Dibunophyllum bristolense, Pseudocaninia cf. longisepta. Bryozoa: Fenestella spp,
Plant fossils are Lepidodendropsis, Lepidosigillaria, Archaeosigillaria, ?Cyclostigma, Archaocalamites, Rhacopteris and sphenopterids are reported from the sandstone of the basal and middle parts (Pal and Chaloner, 1979),
Depositional setting
The sandy beds are strongly cross-bedded, varying from hummocky to low-angled type. The Aishmuqam Formation represents several shoaling cycles commencing from subtidal to intertidal zone and locally supratidal, with paralic conditions (?) in basal and middle parts when plants grew in the vicinity of the basin.
Additional Information